

Generative AI for Entrepreneurship and Businesses Development Workshop

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We are excited to share that Arash, a member of DSIL recently gave two workshops on the Business Model Canvas and Generative AI for Entrepreneurship and Business Development at an online event organized by Porto Universidade Católica Portuguesa on September 29th and October 27th, 2023. Business Model Canvas workshop The Business Model Canvas is

Hogeschool Rotterdam Business School visits the Digital + Sustainable Innovation Lab

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Last Monday (Jan 30th), the DSI Lab team had the pleasure to welcome a group of students from Hogeschool Rotterdam Business School. The visit program included a brief introduction to CLSBE, a presentation of DSI Lab and its team, and the main activities. Three main European research projects were presented: inteGRIDY, DIANA, and OMEGA-X.

Introducing to the Master Students from International Marketing and Sales Communication from IULM University, Milan, Italy

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Lisbon, April 28th 2022 Grazie a Digital+Sustainable Innovation Lab i partecipanti al Master in International Marketing and Sales Communication - IULM hanno avuto la possibilità di conoscere, una piattaforma di business modeling e creazione di imprese che permette a chiunque di portare con successo le proprie idee sul mercato. Una vera e propria guida passo

Driving Applied Research in the Context of Smart Cities – Zdunska Wola’s City Council Representatives visiting SCIL

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On September 27th, we had the pleasure to receive seven representatives from Zdunska Wola’s City Council at CLSBE. Zdunska Wola is a small industrial city in Poland built in the XIX century. Famous for their beers and textile industry, they are now on the path to implement digital technologies to develop the city. They

Looking back at GRONEN2020

That was GRONEN2020: Some Facts & Figures 113 participants, 52 synchronous paper presentations, 58 hours live-stream, and 8 virtual bars and socials - that was GRONEN2020!! A quick calculation shows that we saved about 65 t of CO2 (580 kg of CO2 x 113 participants), 678 hours of travel, and almost 130.000

Student Challenge: What does Sustainability in the Digital Age Mean to You?

Are you passionate about sustainability, the role of digital technologies for making our cities smarter, or keen on debating new trends in the circular and shared economy? As part of the GRONEN Conference 2020, the leading European academic conference on management and sustainability, the Smart City Innovation Lab hosts an exciting student challenge. We want