As part of the European project me2, which is part of the ERA-NET Smart Cities and Communities (ENSCC) – Horizonte 2020, Luis Caridade, MediaPrimer’s project manager, presented the results that were achieved in the Lisbon pilot project that was focused on the changing of habits of energy consumption in households as well as in usage of electronic cars. The session took place in the Sharing Cities in the Lisbon City Hall.

The me2 project (Integrated Smart City Mobility and Energy Platform) started on 1st June 2016 and will be running until 31st May 2018. Its consortium, led by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, aims to promote the energetic efficiency through the management of electricity mobility and consumption at buildings’ level. To achieve the me2 project’s goal, MediaPrimer was responsible for the development of an innovative platform that aggregates the aspects concerning energy efficiency and electric mobility. The platform integrates data from smart meters and processes them in an appropriate manner, in order to attempt to raise consumers’ awareness, and to give them the necessary information to better support the improvement in their electric energy consumption. This efficiency energetic strategy, in addition to the direct benefits to consumers, is also essential for a good management of the electric distribution grid.

In order to access all the information registered, forecasts and practical advices, the users have a web portal and a mobile application. In the design and development of these instruments, MediaPrimer has used innovative techniques designed to ensure the regular interaction of users that were using these instruments. The platform integrates users, local communities, mobility and energy, trying to change the behaviour, and the use of electric energy in a more efficient way.

MediaPrimer has been confirming their market position as developer of integrated management platforms, which in this case is related to the energetic efficiency. After EDP has adopted MediaPrimer’s technology to manage the national public street illumination, and “Águas de Trás-os-Montes e Alto-Douro” have adopted the primer AQUA solution to integrate their water supply systems and waste management, the area of energy management (especially related to its efficiency) has also started to benefit from MediaPrimer’s technological experience. The energy efficiency, particularly at buildings’ level, is a subjet that could be translated into financial gains for the households. In addition, the environmental benefits should also be considered, and this is often dependent on the availability of information that a platform such as MediaPrimer can provide.